The Big Scavenger Hunt

For our first big group event this year, excitement was high

The Big Buddy team of Lee, Martin and Mark prepared this event with about 40 Big Buddies, 40 little Buddies and a few extras; a fantastic turnout.

Everyone gathered at Big Buddy’s new home in Greenlane which was wonderful to host everyone in, and it was a lovely sunny day as well. There was a sense of anticipation and excitement as no one had done this sort of thing before. We spoke about the rules, gave a strict time limit, and then they were off and out the door with 25 tasks to try and achieve in 90 minutes. The crafty ones decided to do the hopscotch activity straight outside in the car park.

When they came back we had a great meal ready for them, thanks to the generosity of Domino’s Pizza, there was plenty for everyone, plus I’m sure mums would appreciate this, the carrots and broccoli got eaten as well! There was lots of chat as people enjoyed telling others about all the things that they had found. There were plenty of inventive solutions too, eg someone went to Bunnings straightaway, and found a barbecue, garden gnomes, and a few other clues. We saw quite a lot of photos of boys in their dream cars, including Maserati’s.

We had plenty of prizes to hand out, many thanks to the Warriors promotions team for giving us wonderful jackets and caps. We had some Stoney Creek fleeces as well, these were all snapped up pretty quickly. There was enough for everyone to go away with a gift, and a smile on their face, I’m sure they will be back next time.

Well done to our winners Ryan and Jamie. They had the same points as Ross and Tristan, but Ryan and Jamie managed to guess closest to our Mentor Manager Mark’s age, (we’re not saying what that is) and they took home the trophy.

Thank you to everyone for joining us!

To make a donation to Big Buddy click here. To become a Big Buddy click here. To apply for a Big Buddy for your boy click here.

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