Recently, 17 Little Buddies embarked on an unforgettable 5-day adventure at the Hillary Outdoors Camp. This experience wasn’t just about fun; it was a journey of self-discovery and growth.
The Outdoor Leadership School’s program offered these young participants a unique opportunity to learn through adventure and connect through participation. From team challenges to rock climbing, navigation to high ropes, the activities were designed to push boundaries and build their confidence.
Despite sore muscles, the boys returned with big smiles, having conquered activities like canoeing, caving, abseiling, hiking, waterfall jumping, overnight expeditions, and kayaking. However, the most thrilling activity proved to be caving.
Navigating through the caves, the boys faced challenges that tested their teamwork and courage. From overcoming the darkness as a team to squeezing through tight passages, each challenge brought them closer together and helped them recognize their strengths.
“It was both painful and satisfying at the same time. During my stay, I gained experience by working in a group and overcoming various challenges. I particularly enjoyed navigating through a murky cave ridden with spiders and wetas, I felt like leaving a quarter way through but by persevering it went by in what felt like 10 minutes well spent.”
Little Buddy Scott
“Poukupenga had an amazing time and loved every minute. He enjoyed the challenges each activity posed, especially caving. He surprised himself with how he was able to keep a level head and sense of maturity as he navigated his way through the cave. Poukupenga told me his personal philosophy on camp was to always try to go first to avoid overthinking and creating an inner fear! I’m so proud of him.”
Mum of Little Buddy Poukupenga

As always a huge thank you to our sponsors of this event: Hillary Outdoors and The Board of Trustees of the Society of Emissaries Charitable Trust c/o Geoff and Linda Tisch for your support has made a huge difference to these boys, their families and their wider community.
Right now there are around 8,000 boys in New Zealand without fathers in their lives. These boys are navigating the challenges of life without the steady hand of a father to guide them.
With your help, Big Buddy can continue to match young boys with good men to offer friendship, support and a good male role model to look up to.
With 130 young boys currently on our waitlist, your support today is needed more than ever.
Your donation will help build confidence and resilience in the lives of boys whose fathers are not around.