Not-so-little-buddy Jordan Whibley (19) was stoked to catch up with his BB Nathan Trousdell in Auckland recently. These ex-Wellington lads were matched way back in Feb 2009 but haven’t seen each other since Nathan left to work overseas in early 2013. But that didn’t break the bond of friendship … they’ve kept in touch regularly via Skype and say their match is for life. They plan to hang out more while Nathan is in town.
“I know I’ve said this before,” says Jordan, “but I really need to thank Big Buddy for everything they’ve done. For not only helping match me and Nathan, but also for my little brothers Big Buddy match.
This is the first time I’ve seen Nate since early 2013, and we’re coming up to being Big Buddy/Little Buddy for six years!
I can’t wait to dedicate some of my own time in the near future to become a big buddy myself and help guide a little buddy into a great young man.”